

An avid sound enthusiast and audiophile. I have spent almost a decade working with live & studio sound engineers, owners & architects of concert venues, and music performers to design and build sound systems according to their needs. As of October 2024, I have auditioned and tested more than 280 pairs of headphones and IEMs and created over 260 YouTube reviews of headphones, IEMs, DACs, amplifiers, and headphone accessories in two languages.

Which type of headphones to buy?

Sennheiser HD600 -64 Audio U12t - Sony MDR Z7 MK2

Open-back headphones vs closed-back headphones vs IEM in 2024. Open-back headphones vs closed-back headphones vs IEM? That’s a hard choice. Choosing the right headphone type affects not only your comfort, but also your audio experience. That’s why I decided to…

Ultimate headphone buying guide

This is our ultimate headphone buying guide for 2024. Venturing into the world of headphones is a great and captivating journey, rich with auditory sensations and musical revelations. As you embark on this sonic odyssey, it becomes increasingly evident that…

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