Today we are taking a close look at Dekoni Bulletz Mercury foam ear tips. And these are the tips that changed my opinion on foam ear tips.
Disclaimer: Dekoni Bulletz ear tips were provided by Dekoni Audio in exchange for my honest review. Thank you Dekoni! No one paid me to say anything in particular about this product. All thoughts and opinions in this review are my own.
Dekoni makes great ear pads for full-size headphones, and I was really excited to test their ear tips. Dekoni Bulletz come in a few different versions. The Gemini series has a 3 mm bore size and it fits IEMs from Etymotic, Shure, and Klipsch. The Mercury series has a 4.9 mm bore size and it fits a lot of the IEMs on the market today. This is the version I have in today’s reviewю
The TWS series are like the Mercury with a 4.9 mm bore size, but they are shorter. They are specially designed to be used with TWS IEMs and ears buds. Their length also makes sure they fit inside most charging cases. The ear tips come in three sizes (S, M and L). The inner part is color coded, so you can easily distinguish the sizes. Green is large, blue is medium, and white is small.
🛒 Dekoni Bulletz on Amazon
Two main types of IEM ear tips
Before we go into further details, I need to mention that there are two main types of IEM ear tips. The silicone ones and foam ones. Silicone tips, are made of smooth (sometimes medical grade) silicone that sits well in your ear canal providing a solid seal. Foam tips, on the other hand, are made from memory foam that conforms to the unique shape of your ear canal, slowly filling it out to create a tighter seal. People prefer one over the other for different reasons and each type has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Talking about foam tips I need to mention two things. First, the foam tips tend to get really warm, especially if you are living in a hot climate. The second thing is that foam usually picks up more ear wax than silicone. This is because they are are porous, and foam tips tend to deteriorate much faster.
That said, foam generally creates a better seal and is better at isolating outside noise. Some memory foam tips start to lose its ‘memory’ too soon, but that’s not the case with Dekoni Bulletz. In addition, low-cost foam tips alter the sound, and sometimes they alter the sound not in a good way.
Dekoni Bulletz sound impressions
Dekoni Bulletz use dense memory foam which creates a strong seal in the ear canal. It provides a good sound isolation and preventing sound leakage. The Bulletz is also far less compressible, compared to the other foam ear tips I have. At the same time Bulletz are much nicer to the touch
Also, when you need to put it in your ear, you don’t need to squeeze it too much. To put them in you just need to simply roll them until they condense and then place them in the ear canal. Allow them a few seconds to expand and seal, and you are ready.
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And this fact actually makes Dekoni Bulletz more easier to fit and more comfortable. When you take them out at the end of the day, simply wipe them off with a non-alcoholic cloth to clear off the ear wax.
Unlike other cheap memory foam tips, these will not flake off and leave black foam residue in your ear. But after 1-3 months you can expect the foam will start losing its density, so it will be time to replace them.
Usually, foam tips do alter the sound, making IEMs sound a bit warmer. But this is not the case with Bulletz and all my IEMs sounded as expected. I have tested Dekoni Bulletz with over 10 IEMs and they had little, if any, impact on the sound.
In addition to that Bulletz provide a very good sound isolation in noisy environments. I think it’s both because of the quality material and the seal they provide.
Dekoni Bulletz ear tips are a perfect foam replacement for stock ear tips. And this is especially true for IEMs that either come without foam tips or come with poor-quality foam tips.
- Easy to fit
- Very comfortable
- Ear tips provide good isolation
- Have no impact on the sound
- and are reasonably priced
Nothing, unless you prefer silicon tips.
Dekoni Bulletz actually improved my opinion on the foam tips. Now I tend to use Bulletz with my IEMs more often than I expected. Compared to other foam ear tips I have, Bulletz are much softer to the touch and their material is of a higher quality.
According to Dekoni website, the ear tips are also washable, but make sure you follow the instructions carefully. Otherwise you can damage the ear tips. On the downside, yes, they can get a bit warm. Especially if you live in a warm climate, but that’s the case with all foam tips anyway.
Overall, if you are looking for foam ear tips for your pair of IEMS, that are comfortable, provide a good seal, have great isolation, and don’t change the quality of the sound – make sure to check out Dekoni Bulletz.
🛒 Dekoni Bulletz on Amazon
And that concludes my review for today. If you want to see more content like this consider subscribing to my YouTube channel for future updates. Thank you for joining me, and until next time, goodbye!
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